Japan - back for a few days after 23 years

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I worked in Japan quite a bit in the 1980's

Had a chance to come back for a few days ........ the last time I was here was 23 years ago

I'll post a few (non bird) images as I go along in case anyone is interested

View from my hotel window in Tokyo

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Fab shot that No 1 is Bill, great light and looks sharp too, you lucky b****r you :D
Shame you have a reflection in the shot, Just above top center.
Fab shot that No 1 is Bill, great light and looks sharp too, you lucky b****r you :D
Shame you have a reflection in the shot, Just above top center.

Thanks Graham - 33 floors up so a could not open the window!!!!

here's a view of the "older" part of Tokyo

a pano from a Tower block hotel window - again thru the glass and showing the weather - hot, steamy, drizzle most of the time

just been out with an old mate for a few drinks and sushi etc, now 2am here and 7pm in France so I just cannot sleep

Thanks Graham - 33 floors up so a could not open the window!!!!

here's a view of the "older" part of Tokyo

a pano from a Tower block hotel window - again thru the glass and showing the weather - hot, steamy, drizzle most of the time

just been out with an old mate for a few drinks and sushi etc, now 2am here and 7pm in France so I just cannot sleep

On my phone now but that looks like a great pano, why didn't you take me with you :D
I was there a year ago, would go back in a second. Thank you for sharing, I simply loved Tokyo. I'm not too sure the woman on the Metro looks happy to see you though.
I have been to Tokyo a lot in the past and these great pictures bring back some lovely, happy memories - also your talk of sushi and beer!
I was there a year ago, would go back in a second. Thank you for sharing, I simply loved Tokyo. I'm not too sure the woman on the Metro looks happy to see you though.

I have been to Tokyo a lot in the past and these great pictures bring back some lovely, happy memories - also your talk of sushi and beer!

Thanks guys - I always found Tokyo a wonderful and fascinating place and it has really not changed much in the last 20 years, apart from looking and feeling more wealthy, smart, respectful and clean....... it is an amazingly clean and organised place ....... in a world of it's own

a couple of shots to show the "other" side - which is unusual for Tokyo as you hardly see "guys on the streets" sleeping rough


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Awesome shots. How was it, returning after 23 years? Did you feel nostalgic or was Tokyo now alien to you?
Hi Dennis, it felt like 23 ago was just yesterday - culture, respect and cleanliness exactly the same, Tokyo is as affluent as ever it was and the people just as helpful. Things seemed "cheaper" in relative terms than they were 25 years ago ..... the couple of Japanese guys I worked with were just as they were. Cannot wait to go back there and although it rained and was humid most of the time, (never go in August), I had a great time and the food and drink was up to their (usual) high standards

a few more "street" shots




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These photos look really good. Well, I'm happy you felt at home just as you did 23 years ago. I myself moved out of my home town and returned 10 years later. Like people say, the more things change, the more they stay the same. The town looked somewhat better, but not too better :D It took me a couple of days to get used to it though.
Ready, Steady, Go!!!


plus one of my favourite images of the trip

a straight OOC jpeg



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I must say Bill, I have never had much interest in going to Japan. Even had a friend who goes across regularly (and he's a photographer!) who couldn't persuade me, but this series of shots really has made me think differently. They are so good, interesting and well taken, I might have to get a ticket!
I must say Bill, I have never had much interest in going to Japan. Even had a friend who goes across regularly (and he's a photographer!) who couldn't persuade me, but this series of shots really has made me think differently. They are so good, interesting and well taken, I might have to get a ticket!

Rob - I was always a fan - and after my visit it has really renewed my interest

It is not that expensive these days you know
Air flights are reasonable £'s - 12 hour flight, but the jet lag does bugger you - you eat breakfast in Japan at 08:00am local time which is midnight in the UK
Hotels are less than the UK and food, (eating out) is cheaper - a good lunch is £5 to £10
The normal "tube" / local overground train ticket starts at less than £1 and travel is cheaper than the UK
Sales Tax/VAT is 10% and if you buy any gift type items, electronics or camera equipment you get in back, straight away in most shops
The quality of the country is first class and everywhere is just full of interest
If you watch your pennies ..... you can have a very good trip for not much more than a Euro holiday

I only really went for 7 days including travel - to see an old Japanese mate of mine, so the evenings were the focus ......... but maybe my wife and I will go next year for a longer stay ........ March/April is the best time, IMHO ...... August is probably the worse weather-wise - hot, humid and wet

it is only 12 hours away - you should go - I think that you would be amazed and never disappointed
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Tower office/hotel blocks

Japanese cloud cover - it's "summer" and it's an island




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I've never been and probably never will, but thanks for the insight Bill, very interesting (y)
Thanks everyone - I suppose what I noticed this time, which was a surprise, was how "affordable" Japan is now as a place to visit - 23 year ago it was expensive

If we have time will definitely go back next year - as most of you know I am retired

all the images are somewhat dull as it was overcast all the time plus light rain most of the time - but don't let that put you off as the weather in Japan is good at most times of the year and they have 4 distinctive seasons








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Pic of the bunch for me Bill ,the body language and the facial expression

Thanks Den - as with most shots just lucky!

but it was the first "rain" one that I posted so maybe subconsciously I must have liked it
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A good selection of memory's for you, just don't wait another 23 years :)
Thanks everyone for your comments, much appreciated
Last three - I promise

they were all quick shots taken from the bus with the DP3M - so a little "unsharpe"



fantastic set of pics, thank you very much for sharing. There's another place on my list to visit now ! I really am going to need a long life span