Just a Daisy

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A departure for me, ive been shooting above life size with flash for over a year now. So the other day i decided to go out with the 30D and Tamron 90mm and just use natural light. This was the result.

Shot at f2.8 to erase the background and focus stacked, did quite abit of 'gardening' to remove any distractions.

Comments and critiques welcomed.

1000pix version
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Looks lovely and crisp, the backgrounds sweet.

What does 'focus stacked' mean?
Beautiful. Simple shot and often overdone, but beautifully executed!
Looks lovely and crisp, the backgrounds sweet.

What does 'focus stacked' mean?

Thank you. Its a technique i sometimes use to combat the limited DOF in Macro. It involves taking several shots at different focus points till you have covered the entire area you want to be in focus then combining them in a program called combinezm, which stacks them altogether giving an image with a much greater DOF.

I could have shot this with a smaller appeature but the background would have then been a distraction and i would have lost the effect i was after.
Nice... i like that a lot!
lovely picture
and the focus stacking doesn't look obvious - just makes the subject really crisp against the soft background! :clap:
Might be 'Just a Daisy' but it's a very nice shot of one (y)
Thanks for the explanation of 'stacking' Alliec, as I use tubes then this could come in handy :D