Just a tree...

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I'm beginning to enjoy my tree stuff. Went to shoot some bluebells and forgot to take any colour film with me. *shrugs* idiot.



great tones and a good spot.

I'm looking to do my tree stuff in LF to get rid of the converging verticals, they just look naff with trees.

What focal length are you using for these?

great tones and a good spot.

I'm looking to do my tree stuff in LF to get rid of the converging verticals, they just look naff with trees.

What focal length are you using for these?

That was 90mm Super Angulon. My 135mm is dead at the mo, mores the pity. I used to love the w/a on digital but it seems odd on 5x4 for some reason. I'm tending towards longer lenses all the time now!

The background is so nice it seems a shame to make the foliage so central. Great tones though!

Yeah, the whole point was the light catching the clump of leaves, but I was too far away, and now, looking at it, I might need to work it a bit more to bring out the catch of light on the leaves.

But tyou're right about the background, it was nice, I did shoot another frame but it was a touch underexposed. Maybe I'll show later ;)
That was 90mm Super Angulon. My 135mm is dead at the mo, mores the pity. I used to love the w/a on digital but it seems odd on 5x4 for some reason. I'm tending towards longer lenses all the time now!

I'm hanging my nose over a 90mm f5.6 MC super Angulon at the moment. Its interesting to hear your thought on WA in 5x4, got me wondering whether to stump up the cash now :thinking:
Depends on what you shoot most of really.

If you do a lot of architecture or close up stuff you will need a w/a and I wouldnt go slower than f8. I'm just saving for a larger aperture version as my f8 is just too dark in low light to use properly.

they dont loose a lot of money so you can always buy & try
lovely tones, damn a film camera that had an LCD back would be good ;)
It's not just a tree, but a very beautiful photo of a tree! So simple and delicated. Good work.
... and I wouldnt go slower than f8. I'm just saving for a larger aperture version as my f8 is just too dark in low light to use properly.

they dont loose a lot of money so you can always buy & try

I know what you mean. I'm worried about only 5.6 as my 135 is fairly dark. Maybe I need a fresnel screen or something, but its all extra pennies to spend :puke:
A fresnel will only make the corners of the frame lighter by refocussing the light so it comes directly at you rather than out to the sides. 5.6 is fine with a darkcloth most of the time, I've never had any problems with mine, even in quite dingy light.
5.6 focusing for me is fine, most of the time can just use the pop out hood on the MPP although i do use the loupe on the screen for closer focus and even in most conditions it's fine, add in a darkcloth and i don't have any issues with it.

klnow what you mean about wa though - i'm happy plodding on with the 150mm and 210mm they suit me fine...although i do tend to shoot portraits more than anything else.
ill third that about W/A. I loved it on digital, and still love it on large format. Though i do find it a hard lens to use. I have had some good shots from it, but it takes alot of time to get composed with it and find good strong foregrounds