Sorry to be negative but I'm not a huge fan tbh. The key light seems to hot and harsh on the side it's firing. I can see how Peter thought the shadows need lifted, I feel there's good detail in shadows, though a wee bit of light in her right eye would be nice, but the overall ratio is off because the light is a bit overpowering. I think dropping the power or feathering it off a bit would help and maybe a flag to drop the light hitting her arm and leg slightly. That said I agree with Gary I like the gradient on the background
The pose and expression looks like she's standing waiting to be directed in to the actual pose you want. The facial expression is just kinda blank but still staring at you and that arm gesture looks really defensive to me. I think it's partly because she's chin up and quite engaged at the camera but the body language isn't as alert, dunno just something doesn't tie it all. I almost feel like if you crop it from below her mouth so you don't get the face it's a stronger image. That said dancing isn't my thing, I know Simon has been shooting imo some amazing dance stuff lately so maybe
@juggler will be able to offer his take.
One other thing for my taste and it's maybe just a me thing but I'm not a big fan of the arm hairs popping when you side light. If you set a layer above to darken and heal or paint over them with skin tone and then drop the opacity until they are there but you don't notice them it helps it imo.
I had a look at your site and you shoot some stunning stuff but this one just doesn't hit for me sorry.