Keeping Exif data when saving from Photoshop

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It seems that the Exif data on my shots isn't making it through to the other side of Photoshop. It's there when it goes in but the saved images just have image size, filename and owner's name.

Does anyone know how I can end up with saved-for-web Jpegs that still have the shutter speed, ISO, aperture etc in the Exif data?
Sorry Jamie but I don't understand that. If I

1 - work on RAW and save as TIFF or JPG or

2 - if I work on JPG and save as PSD or JPG or

3 - if I work on PSD and save as JPG

it always retains the exif data. I think I've covered most bases there. I can only think that there's some setting somewhere. Which version are you using - I'm using CS2. Sorry to be of no help but if I find anything I'll post back.

All the above retains exif it's only if you use the "save for web" option that it removes exif
Thanks for that Steve.....never knew that but then I don't use it.

That's annoying. Save for web should give you the option, I reckon.

Anyway it seems to be academic because my webhost doesn't have PHPs exif functions enabled so I'll have to do it by hand (in the photoblog section I'm writing, I mean). Guess it's probably a more reliable system anyway. Just means more coding.

Got a fair amount of the back-end done today. With any luck I might have it written within a fortnight.