Kodak HIE

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Hi I have managed to get hold of a few roles of Kodak HIE. I was told i had to load and unload the film in total darkness which i did. i then put the role in the fridge redy for development tomorrow. BUT i just went to get another tipple out of the fridge and knocked out the tub holding the film and it cam out. Have i ruined the film?

i hope not

YOu should be ok so long as it did not fall in front of something kicking out IR, like a heater, or something like that. The cans that the HIE is in are fairly light tight.
YOu should be ok so long as it did not fall in front of something kicking out IR, like a heater, or something like that. The cans that the HIE is in are fairly light tight.

HIE is not a heat sensitive film.

How long was it exposed for and in what lighting conditions?

In reality you're not going to know, and are more likely to mess it up when processing it than by dropping the canister.

Did you put it back in the black plastic tube or not?
hi yes it was in the back canister but came out. i proccessed the fim and it had become slightly fogged but there are one or two usable images which i feel are great. Even though they took much longer getting the printing correct