Lady birds


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
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1) I just assumed that they hatched at full size, but my bamboo is alive with tiny ones. 3 maybe 4mm, max
2) I've never seen aphids on my bamboo but obviously there is / was enough to sustain a large colony of Ladybirds.

Not sure if this is a damaged one, or its still pumping itself up.


One of the tiny ones. A different species maybe?


Again, very small, washed out colour a Hatchling or another species ?


And a couple of flies


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Hi Chris, they are probably from last year and over wintered in the bamboo and now waking up and getting ready for the new season, I'd guess the dented one has damaged wing cases.

Looks like you have a mix of species

Happy to be corrected :)
#1 is the common 7-spot - Coccinella septempunctata. The elytra is probably still soft from having recently emerged from the pupae.

#2 is a harlequin - Harmonia axyridis

#3 if it has a white face would likely be Adalia decempunctata.

#1 is the common 7-spot - Coccinella septempunctata. The elytra is probably still soft from having recently emerged from the pupae.

#2 is a harlequin - Harmonia axyridis

#3 if it has a white face would likely be Adalia decempunctata.

Do they hatch this time of year? I thought it was mid-late summer?
Hi Chris, they are probably from last year and over wintered in the bamboo and now waking up and getting ready for the new season,
That's possible Gav. TBH I've never seen such a mix of species, especially #3 and TBH was a bit confused.

#1 is the common 7-spot - Coccinella septempunctata. The elytra is probably still soft from having recently emerged from the pupae.

#2 is a harlequin - Harmonia axyridis

#3 if it has a white face would likely be Adalia decempunctata.

Thanks Paul, much appreciated (y) I did suspect that #2 was a Harlequin, no idea on #3 though, it didn't turn around, and I couldn't get to the other side of it.
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they are probably from last year and over wintered in the bamboo and now waking up

The more I think about this, the more likely it is a hibernation area.
The bamboo quite dense, it's tight up against a garage wall and its facing S by SW, so it's very sheltered and gets a lot of sun...
3 days of good sun will tempt many out.

I've had that here, but it looks like its not going to last as of tomorrow.
Back to single figures, rather than high teens :(
Nice set, Chris.