Ladybird and Hover fly

Nice Pair Gav.
I really like the PoV on the ladybird :)
Yes we do
Hi Stacey - in case you wondered where all your selfie pictures keep disappearing to - its considered bad form to "photobomb" someone elses thread. it's also not allowed to post in the 52's thread you also posted in, unless you've made a commitment to posting a photo on the weekly theme for the year.

If you Want to share your shots, which we DO encourage, please start a thread in one of the photo sharing areas - choose the appropriate one, and post a few pictures, along with maybe a quick intro about yourself, what your photo's are trying to say, and what you hope to get out of posting on here... bear in mind though, that the photos are open to critique, so if you're not prepared for that, and you're only posting for "instagram click through" or the like, then you may get a rough ride.
Ladybird is a cracker, mate (y)