Last of a spider?

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I spotted this spider on it's side on the garden flag stone, so moved it to a bit of leaf litter just at the side of it.. It did get onto it's legs and walk a little distance, but afterwards went back on to it's side. This is a mature male so no moults left for this one. He may just be at end of life, sustained an injury, or could be dehydrated, but hopefully, not on his last legs...





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Nice set Paul, that last one is really close (y)
The more of your photos I see the more I feel the itch to get the Laowa 65mm. Absolutely wonderful shots.

If I may could you tell me what aperture and shutter speed you were shooting at? Are you shooting handheld?

I tip my proverbial hat to you Paul, I’m always keen on seeing all of the shots you post.
Thanks for the kind words Mauri.

I usually shoot at f/8 - sometimes f/11. I will vary the shutter speed
The more of your photos I see the more I feel the itch to get the Laowa 65mm. Absolutely wonderful shots.

If I may could you tell me what aperture and shutter speed you were shooting at? Are you shooting handheld?

I tip my proverbial hat to you Paul, I’m always keen on seeing all of the shots you post.

Thanks for the kind words :)

I usually shoot at f/8 (but have used f/11) and the shutter speed I vary - the longer it is the more background in the photo, and fatser shutter speeds give blacker backgrounds. I always mount a flash with mine, down to as low as 1/128EV but sometimes I use ETTL mode on the flash.

I normally use a tripod, but have been known to hand hold the camera, but I get a lot of OOF images unless I mount it.
