Late December garden flowers


In Memoriam
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Captured hand-held this afternoon in our garden. It was heavily overcast with thick low clouds, the air was damp and it was a bit breezy. #1 was a single raw capture, the rest are focus stacked 6K video captures. #2 and #3 each used a single focus stack, #4, #5 and #6 each merged two focus stacks using the same video frames but different stacking methods. The focus stacking was done in Helicon Focus, with post processing in Lightroom. DeNoise AI was used for very mild output sharpening and noise reduction.

#1 Rose

1998 01 2021_12_23 P1290725-Edit2 LR 1300h DNAI by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

#2 Mahonia

1998 04 2021_12_23 P1290893_0005 52 C4 LR 1300h DNAI by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

#3 Azalea

1998 06 2021_12_23 P1290956_0004 34 C4 LR 1300h DNAI by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

#4 Magnolia

1998 07 2021_12_23 P1290959_0025 37 B30,4+InnerC4 LR 1300h DNAI by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

#5 Hebe

1998 09 2021_12_23 P1291129_0061 58 B30,4+InnerC4 LR 1300h DNAI by gardenersassistant, on Flickr

#6 Mahonia

1998 10 2021_12_23 P1291145_0005 62 B30,4+InnerC4 LR 1300h DNAI by gardenersassistant, on Flickr
Nice set Nick (y)
lovely set
Glad to see that we're not the only ones with some rather late garden colour! We still have one rose flower out (but rather tired and emotional!) as well as a single bud and there are a lot of Hebes in full flower down at Dawlish. The Hebes even had a couple of small bees buzzing around them (and I had an attendant Bumble yesterday despite the strong wind on the g*lf course.

Good set of strange times.