Leafcurling sac spider, and a white-legged snake millipede.

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Clubiona, commonly known as Leaf-curling Sac Spiders, is a genus of spiders in the family Clubionidae (Clubiona comta). Here we have a female sat on the variegated laurel.


Then we have this wonderfully tightly wound white-legged snake millipede, which has for some reason managed to grip a strand of moss inside her curled body! It is the most familiar millipede, the cylindrical Tachypodoiulus species (Scientific name: Tachypodoiulus niger). These have around 100 legs!


Another nice pair Paul (y)

I was looking back through some images from last year, I was snapping an abundance of hoverflies, ladybirds, and their kids, plus other stuff,
in early April.
Everything is very sparse this year, which is crazy as I'm a couple of 100 miles south of you.
Another nice pair Paul (y)

I was looking back through some images from last year, I was snapping an abundance of hoverflies, ladybirds, and their kids, plus other stuff,
in early April.
Everything is very sparse this year, which is crazy as I'm a couple of 100 miles south of you.

And here is me thinking it was sparse findings up north...

Must be the climate change?

Must be the climate change?
Its been bloody wet down here on and off for a few weeks, I guess that has something to do with it, but then again, even my plants are behind.
Nice Millipede shot but I love the spider shot.
And here is me thinking it was sparse findings up north...

Must be the climate change?

Its been bloody wet down here on and off for a few weeks, I guess that has something to do with it, but then again, even my plants are behind.

There is very little about this far North. Not much plant growth though either due to the cold dry spell IMO.
This time last year I was shooting Dragonflies and I have not seen one yet.
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Very nice shots Paul. I like everyone else am seeing less this year - but I think it is a combination of very dry in April and then cold and wet in May. It is getting better though.