Leica Something

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Found this today. An article about the Leica 1 and the first camera to use what is now 35mm film :) Its from the 17th may 1925

I thought it may be of interest :)


BTW £22 in 1925 was £4147 using average earnings apparently
"108 pictures"....:eek:

Bet that got a few handlebar moustaches twitching and petty coats flappin.

and the rangefinder gets its own apartment with ensuite...:LOL:

definitely a mill owners machine at 4K
Good read! (y)

This is the real deal. Seems pretty basic now.

Excellent Gandhi - thanx for that... (y) ... I can see the roots of my D-Lux in that... :D

And Cedric... :eek: ... is that yours... :cautious:

Excellent Gandhi - thanx for that... (y) ... I can see the roots of my D-Lux in that... :D

And Cedric... :eek: ... is that yours... :cautious:


You mean Hacker's D-Lux surely??

Good read! (y)

This is the real deal. Seems pretty basic now.


Actually that has a different lens in Cedric... :shrug: ... still a beauty but not the same lens as the original in Gandhi's article... ;)

EDIT... manufactured in 1930 with the Hektor I think... :shrug:

how do you tell :O

also why has this page gone white not black :O

Tell what? What page? You're not making any sense man!

Actually that has a different lens in Cedric... :shrug: ... still a beauty but not the same lens as the original in Gandhi's article... ;)

Yeah, and it looks like a more pricey f2.5 version too!

I just find all this stuff interesting. I have a big bunch of AP's from 1925&26 and they are stuffed full of all sorts of intersting stuff. Most of it still quite applicable today.

I will try and get some stuff scanned, and maybe some of the shots too. There are shots from such people as Hugh Cecil and lots of lovely stuff from the RPS and London salon exhibitions in those years. This was just about the time Steiglitz (sp?) was working with Photo secession and just before the inception fo the f64 group so around the end of the pictorialist movement.
Yeah, and it looks like a more pricey f2.5 version too!

Probably and I think it was just an updated camera from 1930 ish... :shrug:

Gandhi said:
I just find all this stuff interesting. I have a big bunch of AP's from 1925&26 and they are stuffed full of all sorts of intersting stuff.

:eek: ... is that when you started collecting them... :naughty:

Really interesting insight though I bet... ;)

that the lenses were different, and my lappy is messing with my head sorry guys

Oh I see... :D ...

The original article put up by Gandhi says the lens fitted was a Leitz Elmax f3.5 whereas the one in CT's pic is clearly a Leitz Hektor f2.5... :shrug:

HTH clarity, but there's nothing I can do about your messed up head soz... :naughty:

The thing we tend to not realise is the scorn that was heaped upon that tiny little negative by many at the time. Medium format was still barely acceptable compared to the widespread larger formats. People like Bresson were quick to adopt it realising the candid low profile potential of that tiny camera for street and reportage work, but it was many years before the format gained wide acceptance, and of course continual improvements in film technology played a big part too.