LF Cockups....No. 6 in the series so far

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A wise man (possibly confucious) said......

Man who loads many film types better remember which film is in which holder

Another wise man said (definitely not confucious this time)

Which plank decided to make the notch code on Adox CHS100 exactly the same (bar a millimeters depth) as Fuji Velvia 50?

I Said

:bang:**&&%%^$$:bonk:&&**(((&^%^^&&**& :thumbsdown:*(*&(*&(*$^$^$ :bang:

Hopefully not too bad as I was shooting everything at 50 anyways and managed to catch my mistake before I processed what I thought was Adox tonight! The issue I can see is that a couple of the frames of Velvia and Provia might have a small colour cast to them. Shall we say red or green mostly ;)

Oh well, one more case for using Fuji Quickloads and more notes I have to keep next time!
There's so much that can go wrong with LF! Just getting the stuff into the DDS the right way round is hard enough, when you've got your hands stuffed in a dark-bag, gradually getting sweaty and you're doing it all by feel... I couldn't be doing that and trying to remember which emulsion I've got into which DDS, so I just stick with one film stock for each session and get it all processed as soon as possible afterwards.

The only times I've gone against that self-imposed "rule" is if I'm using a 6x9 roll film back at the same time, so I'd maybe put Velvia in the DDS's and Ilford FP4 into the 6x9 back. But even then it breaks the "rhythm" you get into when you have to switch between doing 5x4 in DDS's and roll film in a wind-on back... :D