LF Errors and Ommissions... No 172 in an infinite series

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Always be aware of the surrounding environment when buried under the darkcloth. Take the unfortunate circumstances of one intrepid photographer...

There I was on the beach, setting up an amazing shot for a sunset that up until the last minute, looked like it wasnt going to happen!

Next thing I know, I'm ankle deep in water!!

**** the tides coming in!!!!!

Hmmm, camera bag is on the beach and the last time I let go of my camera in situations like this, it resulted in the death of my D200. What to do?? ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!

Decided to grab my bag (5 paces away) and try to save that, trusting that my tripod wpuld withstand the moving sand and not dump my camera into the brine!

Cool, bag grabbed, zipped up. Camera & tripod snatched and I start prancing across the rocks to safety, PHEW!!!

5 mins later.....

Hmmm, that shot would look so much better if I was using the 135 instead of the 90mm (goes to bag to find lens) NO LENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glances around panicking........

Oh there it is!!!!!! Over there, in the tide line, half buried in sand!!!!!

Result, one shutter that worked for a few days then seized up.

I'm just glad it only cost £150 and will be fine after a small CLA and it wasnt a £1k+ piece of expensive electronic wizardry!
Always be aware of the surrounding environment when buried under the darkcloth. Take the unfortunate circumstances of one intrepid photographer...

Result, one shutter that worked for a few days then seized up.

I'm just glad it only cost £150 and will be fine after a small CLA and it wasnt a £1k+ piece of expensive electronic wizardry!

:eek: At least you've got it sorted and your not hurt.