Light meter for a TLR

Kardo Ayoub
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HI everyone,
I have just purchased a Yashica mat 124G, with a working meter, but everywhere I read poeple are saying those meters are not very accurate so now I'm looking for a cheap and small meter to use with this camera. Do you guys recommend any resonable, small, meters. I'm going on holiday in 10 days and would like to try my new toy there so a quick responce will appreciated.

Many thanks for your help

The meter in there might be a good one. It's well worth checking it against something digital so you can see for yourself before making life more complicated with an external meter.
I have just purchased a Yashica mat 124G, with a working meter, but everywhere I read poeple are saying those meters are not very accurate so now I'm looking for a cheap and small meter to use with this camera. Do you guys recommend any resonable, small, meters.

Hello again ;) Check out small and cool Sekonic L308s or look for older Gossens, like mine Variosix F - very good stuff which you can usually get for less than 100 quid.

One here:
Hello again ;) Check out small and cool Sekonic L308s or look for older Gossens, like mine Variosix F - very good stuff which you can usually get for less than 100 quid.

One here:

Great thanks a lot.
I will check the onboard meter first because the seller assuered me that it works correctly and if not then I will buy a small Gossen.

Have you scanned any of the images from your Yashica 124G?
Have you scanned any of the images from your Yashica 124G?

Yep, but just a nasty, meaningless test roll (I have put new light seals in and wanted to check it).

Anyway, here's one of the images... Kodak Tri-X 400 pushed to 800 ISO, developed in 1+2 Xtol.

Staff Edit : Image changed to clickable link. Pictures must not exceed current forum limits as per the rules. Please feel free to replace this with a fresh/resized image and remove this text :)

Not much in the terms of the subject, but I think that camera can deliver.

Yep, but just a nasty, meaningless test roll (I have put new light seals in and wanted to check it).

Anyway, here's one of the images... Kodak Tri-X 400 pushed to 800 ISO, developed in 1+2 Xtol.


Not much in the terms of the subject, but I think that camera can deliver.


The tonality is very pleasant.
Nice shot...

By the way you need to resize it to 800 pixles on the long side otherwise they will remove it.
I bought a Bronica ETRSi on EBAY for a song last year and don't like the meter head so have switched to a WLF which has no meter. The problem is that meters still hold their price really well - still!!! There are loads of Westons about but their selenium cells are probably dead or dying by now. Gossen stuff is good - £80 should get you something reliable. Minolta did a great spot meter that is still doing the rounds.;)