Lindsays 52 in 24: week 7 - Filthy


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Interesting paintwork on that narrowboat. Not quite 'traditional'...
Nice find though.
I'm guessing there was something moored up close to the front of it to prevent leaving space in front of the boat?
Beltin' start Lindsey :)
I'm guessing there was something moored up close to the front of it to prevent leaving space in front of the boat?
Yes, a long line of boats moored bow to stern, and the one in front of Alfie was an ugly tugboat.
Seeing a lot of nice compositions in these early entries and this one keeps it going! Shame about the Fellows Sears barge on the other bank as it distracts slightly from the subject and that great red lamp on the front of the boat but no obvious options (other than breaking in and moving it) spring to mind.

Seeing a lot of nice compositions in these early entries and this one keeps it going! Shame about the Fellows Sears barge on the other bank as it distracts slightly from the subject and that great red lamp on the front of the boat but no obvious options (other than breaking in and moving it) spring to mind.

Thanks - on reflection. maybe I should have crossed the canal and tried it from the other side. I didn't think of that.
Very interesting boat... someone with varied interests? Nice start to the 52.
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That boat is a great image, loving the paintwork, must have took a while to do.

Hard, well you cannot get much harder than a rock....... do I detect an AC/DC song there ;)
That erm.... rocks :)
Actually, your picture of the Hard rock looks a little soft ;)
Actually, your picture of the Hard rock looks a little soft ;)
Not in general I don't think, but try as I might I could not get the whole thing within the DoF of the lens settings - but I do hate that Sigma lens, it has often let me down. The weak part of my Nikon outfit (apart from me that is). Actually, I'm off to MPB/Wex shortly...

Edit: Actually I think you are right @ShinySideUp , and I blame the tool in front of the camera body rather than the one behind. I'm shopping for a new macr lens now for the Nikon. Thanks for giving me the nudge!
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@ShinySideUp I'm now blaming you Martin for my purchase of a new macro lens! I realised that my old one, the Sigma 105mm f2.8 EX D doesn't have the stabilisation and is a bit less than optimal, so I've bought the EX DG OS version as it seems to be the best suited to my needs. I'm sure the old one might be ok for steady hands or tripod use, but I don't have the steadiest hands it seems, and rarely have the patience to set up a macro shot with tripod. I suspect I didn't need much persuasion to make this purchase in truth, I've had a few issues with the old one hunting a lot for focus when used as a portrait lens, so I hope the newer model is better.
@ShinySideUp I'm now blaming you Martin for my purchase of a new macro lens! I realised that my old one, the Sigma 105mm f2.8 EX D doesn't have the stabilisation and is a bit less than optimal, so I've bought the EX DG OS version as it seems to be the best suited to my needs. I'm sure the old one might be ok for steady hands or tripod use, but I don't have the steadiest hands it seems, and rarely have the patience to set up a macro shot with tripod. I suspect I didn't need much persuasion to make this purchase in truth, I've had a few issues with the old one hunting a lot for focus when used as a portrait lens, so I hope the newer model is better.
I can see you have the willpower of...

...well, I can see you don't actually HAVE any willpower. :D
It's true. GAS with no controls.
Well you can't get much harder than that Lindsay. It amuses me that there is a crack in the rock in the background.
@Harlequin565 That's actually the bottom boards of the fence in the back garden, not a rock, but the texture is rather interesting.
Here's something nice and soft and gentle:
20240121-DSC_0097 by Lindsay Pennell, on Flickr
Nikon D850, Sigma 105mm f2.8 EX DG Macro

Playing with my new updated Sigma 105 and a cheap Neewer product shot desktop studio
Works for me (Despite Mrs Oy trying to buy cheap stuff!)
Slight shoehorn as my original plans for this theme didn't work out (eau = water, as I'm sure many realise):
20240130-DSC_0109 by Lindsay Pennell, on Flickr
Eau de Parfum
Nikon D850, Sigma 105/f2.8, desktop studio
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It's water for sure - nicely done :)
Looks great, the lighting really makes the pic & it has nice symmetry too
Striking image, well done for thinking outside of the box.