Wild Lone Dunger


fracster's right hand
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Managed several of these today but this was the only one I was anything near happy with, even then not 100%.

That's pretty spectacular, like that dark BG too
Yup its a nice shot for sure. I'd be happy with it. (y)
Ugly little buggers but they make great subjects!
Nicely captured, the black background works very well. (y)
You know i think you are lovely really... thousands don't but i do:love::love:

I don't give a monkeys f*** what thousands think of me, they don't know me..................................but oh do I care what you think????
I don't give a monkeys f*** what thousands think of me, they don't know me..................................but oh do I care what you think????

Depends what mood your in i guess!:p
Good stuff Brash, the colour of that fly is truly golden! Histogram is a bit left sided, would noise become too much of an issue if you upped the exposure?
I know that these are a brightly coloured little fly, ranging from golden yellow in colour right through to quite bright greens but I cannot help but feel colours are a little off in this, it looks to have a little bit of a yellow cast to it went looking at the little flowers..the focus looks spot on to me and its well composed, your down on the level with the subject which is a massive plus I think after the slight colour cast the only other improvement would be if you were slightly more to the front of the subject so your not completely side on as that would make the viewer more engaged with the subject

To be honest I'm not a fan of dark background flash shots but it almost works well here, the fly and flowers are just a bit too dark, slightly underexposed
Love the golden colour though and the focus is spot on:)