LSD Earth Tiger (Haploclastus devamatha) tarantula

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One of the most colourful spiders I keep but sadly one that I see around once a year when I'm doing maintenance. This is the first time I've seen Harrison (named after my favourite Beatle) since I first got him as a tiny spiderling. I took the opportunity to grab this photo as it's so rare to see a lot of photos of these guys posted. This species comes from India and lives a fossorial lifestyle.

Their common name comes from their psychedelic colouration which I hope my photo does justice! Handheld with a Sigma 70mm Macro at 1/60s at f7.1 and ISO1600.

Lovely spider - why is it not visible for so long?


They rarely come out of the burrow as they feel much safer in there. I usually see some front legs dangling out of the burrow about once a week but other than that, seeing them is a rarity. If you keep fossorial species though, it's to be expected but to me, it makes it all the sweeter when you see them.
Lovely creatures aren’t they, great shot :)
Lovely creatures aren’t they, great shot :)

They are! I've always adored the misunderstood or feared creatures. As a kid I was obsessed with spiders, sharks and snakes and it's never gone away.