M1 - Sunday Evening

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I know this is not very original, but I fancied a try! I tried to go just before sunset so that I could keep some detail in the background - didn't want it totally black. What do you think ??

Thanks for looking :)
Are you sure it's the M1? It was a lot wetter than that around 4pm, and all the lights would've been stationary :(

I like the symmetry of it, but it needs more red lights to balance properly.
I'm all for a bit of colour in the sky but IMO this is a step too far. Sure, it's got individuality but it lacks a little belief. Full dark's OK under streetlighting but for a road like this I'd be aiming to capture a sky that's closer to the indigo of twilight.
Are you sure it's the M1? It was a lot wetter than that around 4pm, and all the lights would've been stationary :(

I like the symmetry of it, but it needs more red lights to balance properly.

Yep - was the M1 around J39 at about 6 pm. I did notice the lack of red when I was there (especially in the outside lane) but it was just down to the light traffic. Will probably give it another go during the week.
I'm all for a bit of colour in the sky but IMO this is a step too far. Sure, it's got individuality but it lacks a little belief. Full dark's OK under streetlighting but for a road like this I'd be aiming to capture a sky that's closer to the indigo of twilight.

Cheers... I will probs stay a bit later niext time and try some other options :)
Its a pretty safe bet that I'm in that picture

Were you wearing a red coat / jacket by any chance??
as mentioned in other posts the overall lightness takes some drama away from the image...
Nice photo Andy. How do you get this effect ? I have just started photography and it's one of the pics I'd like to try myself.
Nice photo Andy. How do you get this effect ? I have just started photography and it's one of the pics I'd like to try myself.

Pretty simple really, just head out when its starting to get dark, set the ISO to a low value, set the aperture to something small and you should end up with long exposures - I think the shot I posted was about 30 secs. Obviously you will need a tripod or a handy crash barrier to put your camera on. Good luck !
Thats very well executed, especially for 'a try'!