making a video

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Ok looks easy enough doesn't It? well it ain't. took me ages to put together..
The process
First thing was to get a video of the magpie worth showing on here, this took several clips to get what i was after. Next was the tricky part****editing the video""". what I wanted to do is add script and muic to run concurrent with the video, this involved using another track above the video so it showed up in the correct part of the video when played back.
Next was inserting vocals in mid video and that was really hard, first downloading a suitable verbal sound
Appropriate sound which meant finding and recording a section from a video. This then involved my camcorder against the desktop speaker,
With this on a SD card I could then make another video and just extract the marching cadence you can hear
OK next step was putting the cadence marching track onto the video I was making by taking it off the second video and inserting it in the original one. So I had to break into the music sound part- split it away from the rest- put in the cadence bit and join it all up again

Having done this then sound volume had to be balanced to the music. again diving into the editing site and finding out how to boost sound ,nearly got it right,
So now I had the original video above with the text and the marching cadence where I wanted it.
Lastly was getting the colour as near as possible to what i was seeing through the window.

Whyt did I bother to go through all this? because it was a challenge to see if I could do it.

YJis was all done with Adobe Premier Editing Suite 2020
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Last week you said
"What a lot of people do, which I don't approve of, is remove the original sound track and replace with music. To My mind that is just being lazy and not considering how to avoid making the original recording properly in the first place."

Now you have tried it do you still think its the lazy option?
Last week you said
"What a lot of people do, which I don't approve of, is remove the original sound track and replace with music. To My mind that is just being lazy and not considering how to avoid making the original recording properly in the first place." Po

Now you have tried it do you still think its the lazy option?
There was no original sound on that video,that is why I added music. I videoed from indoors through a window. So my original statement still holds good.
If you want to try and catch me out , not this times Scott, sorry :banana:
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as I see it you have 3 choices re sound on a video

A= no sound
B = overlaid sound
C=original sound sound

To me having the original sound (if possible) not only adds to a video but is part of it, One can spend a lot of time on getting the visual correct yet totally overlook the sound aspect.
this would be nothing without the sound of the gulls being scared away (short clip)
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this would be nothing without the sound of the gulls being scared away (short clip)

I agree, but for me I would have overlaid a sound clip of Gulls, only because you can hear people talking in the background, which does take it away from it slightly.
Its working out where and when to use an overlay, it would suit that video because you cant actually see the birds making a noise (there is no close up) but the sound is important to that video.
I do like to use original sound where possible but as you have shown in that clip, getting clean audio isnt that easy.