Making up for an overexposed film

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I just accidentally exposed a whole film of hp5 400 at 200!
How do I go about adjusting the processing time so the pics come out reasonable? Is there a calculator I can use?

I only realised halfway through the film, and then at the beginning of my next film the light meter on my camera broke too so I will have some fun seeing how those photos come out too!
That is only one stop over exposure. It is well with in the latitude of HP5
If you were shooting in high contrast conditions you could reduce the development by 5%
but other wise I would just process as normal.
If you were shooting in high contrast conditions you could reduce the development by 5%.

EI 200 is my normal rating for HP5+. 20% - 25% reduction in development is what I use. 5% would have little effect although it would still be fine at 100% of the ISO 400 development time.

EI 200 is my normal rating for HP5+. 20% - 25% reduction in development is what I use. 5% would have little effect although it would still be fine at 100% of the ISO 400 development time.


The 25% is fine in high contrast situations, but I would find the negs too soft in many other light situations.
How ever You obviously have found out what works for you.

As I said the latitude will be such that there will be no problem with the exposure. So one only needs to change the development If the contrast is really high.
You should be able to cope with the slight extra density anyway.
This link may help

HP5 is better pushed as a film. Ilford only recommeed perceptol for pulling it. Incidently I normally over expose my B&W by around quarter to half a stop to make sure there's shadow detail.
The 25% is fine in high contrast situations, but I would find the negs too soft in many other light situations.
How ever You obviously have found out what works for you.

You are right. In low contrast situations I will use it at EI 400 and process normally.

Thanks a lot. Still not 100% on how much I will adjust the time but I will take all your tips into consideration when I actually get round to it - probably not for a couple of weeks as I´m away on holiday at the moment. I´ll try to post how they come out when I get it done.