Male Kingfisher

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A lovely set of images. 2nd one does it for me, the composition is just that little stronger than the others. I’ve still to capture a KF, I’ve only even seen two in my lifetime, neither of which I had my camera with me.
Looks like you had a nice day Ade, and some nice results. One thing to pick up on though is you could have improved your levels of detail by using your cameras capability better in the ISO department. You're shooting at really low shutter speeds and quite wide open when you'd have been bette of pushing your ISO up to 800 minimum. When I had the 5d3 I was more than comfortable at ISO 1600 and even higher when needed and found I had a much higher keeper rate, and here you could have benefitted from more DoF - the background looks plenty far away so it would have still been nicely blurred but more sharpness available for the bird.

Other than that, nicely framed and I love the way the light has lit up the moss

Hi Mike and thanks for the comments. And yes had a great day out Even though its a 5DMKIII I still struggle to trust the iso capabilities as I jumped from a 650D. Think I need to take the plunge next time I am out and crank up the iso and see what happens. As for the light I could not believe how lucky I got most of the day, it always seemed to be in the right place!!!