Mamiya 6 - which flashes/speedlites can be used?

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I've acquired a Mamiya 6 and have read that it can use "any flash". I have Nikon speedlites (SB-800, SB-22) and naturally would like to use one of them on the Mamiya. But before doing so I thought I would seek other's opinions as I don't want to risk frying a speedlite or the camera. Would be pleased to recieve the wisdom of you good people out there who know :)
I know the nikon dslr's can handle flashes with voltages of up to 250 volts. I don't know what the trigger voltage of the sb's is though. There is a chance that the trigger voltage of the mamiya could cause problems with the nikon flash. There is also polarity to consider and the fact that it might short the extra connections on the flashgun.

Overall, I would be very wary!

You can pick up old non-dedicated flashes for peanuts from places like London camera exchange.
Ken Rockwell say's a bit about mam 6 and flash

I think you're pretty safe with trigger voltages, Mam 6's don't have the delicate electronics that dslr's have.
I bought a small leica flash from a forum member here for mine, just a bit of fill flash y'know, I read a lot of 6 owners using sunpacks and the vivitar 283, they are big with a big trigger voltage.
To be safe go for something a little less expensive than an sb 800