Mamiya 7 - prices

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I have always wanted a Mamiya 7 (my dream camera) and being a regular on this forum for the last few months is renewing my interest in photography in a big way. Presumably they are only available used, what sort of prices do they go for with say the 80mm standard lens?

I`m not sure I could afford to go back to a film camera and set my darkroom up again but I thought I would look into it. :)

I have seen someone on here with a Mamiya 6, but not the 7.

Thanks in advance.
I've just sold my Mamiya 7 II black body with 65mm f4 lens for £850.
Yeah, that's around half the price I paid for them new. I've sold them for a couple of reasons:

1. I'm just not using film anymore. I used to rent a room above a shop as a darkroom and loved doing my own printing. Without a darkroom I only use digital now.
2. I've become very interested in wildlife photography and needed to fund new purchases.

I did have 2 Mamiya 7 bodies and 50, 65, 80 and 150mm lenses. Without a doubt the most used lens was the 65, equivalent to 32mm on 35mm.
1. I'm just not using film anymore. I used to rent a room above a shop as a darkroom and loved doing my own printing. Without a darkroom I only use digital now.

That would be my main worry, how much use I got out of it, I have no intention of giving up digital, it`s too cost effective.

There`s nothing like seeing a picture appear in front of your eyes though, eh? :)
...There`s nothing like seeing a picture appear in front of your eyes though, eh? :)
True :D

I've also sold my Mamiya 645 and trying to sell 3 Canon New F-1 bodies, it's the end of an era for me.
Never really fancied the traditional med format SLRs like 645, being a rangefinder, the 7 handled more like a 35mm SLR but heavier and better. I played with one in a shop about 10 years ago, would have sold my house for one, but the missus was with me. :LOL::LOL: