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Actually it`s a Mantid but who`s arguing.
Proper name is Empusa pennata and also known as the Conehead mantis.
I was out with the wife today looking for Butterflies and Jumping spiders, as you do when in the corner of my eye I caught sight of this lovely.
They are always very willing to be handled.
Love the colours on this one, Not yet an Adult but getting there.
Southeast of France.

Empusa pennata - Mantis by Graham Elliott, on Flickr

And for the size.
Empusa pennata - Mantis 2 by Graham Elliott, on Flickr
Very nice, we had these near us in France before the winter of 2013 killed them all off. I used to love going “hunting” for them
Wow, great capture Graham. Didn't realise there was anything like this native to France!
Wow, great spot; looking at the flower, I would not have seen it.
It's got a face straight out of 'Alien'.
Brilliant capture.
I do like Mantids (y)

Very nicely captured Graham,
Lovely shots, great subject, thanks for sharing (y)
Thanks Gav, I like to share.
Very nice, we had these near us in France before the winter of 2013 killed them all off. I used to love going “hunting” for them
Thanks Tara, I can`t see that a winter would kill them all off, yes some would perish but winters and insects are made for each other.
Wow, great capture Graham. Didn't realise there was anything like this native to France!
hanks, yes we have some strange creatures here, I`m yet to find the 6-9 inch kind of Cricket.
Beautiful. (y)

Such good camouflage colours on that flower
Thanks Superpippo.
Wow, great spot; looking at the flower, I would not have seen it.
It's got a face straight out of 'Alien'.
Brilliant capture.
Thanks, The Mantis was actually on another plant that was much more colour coded for camo to the Mantis.
Stunning creature and photos ;)
Thanks Mr Snappy.
I do like Mantids (y)

Very nicely captured Graham,
Thank Sir.
Wonderful creature Graham.

Thanks Paul, agreed.
Thanks Tara, I can`t see that a winter would kill them all off, yes some would perish but winters and insects are made for each other
In 2013 we had highs of (yes highs) -14 for over two weeks… the disused vineyard behind us used to have ‘plenty‘ of empusa but after that winter I never saw another one and we were there for 5 years after that, and as they normally live in areas that’s are warm and dry, I’m putting two and two together….
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Amazing looking creature, so glad you spotted and photographed it ... 'alien' indeed. :)
Amazing and so tiny, excellent :)
Wow what an amazing creature- loving No1 Graham :)

Lovely image. Mantids are common in South Africa and I've got a few photographs of them, including one consuming its prey, but they're not up to your standard! I'll have to look and see if I can find them though, taken on film 20 years ago or more.
Wow what an amazing creature- loving No1 Graham :)

Thanks Lez, Yes amazing looking creatures, 2nd shot was for size comparison.
Lovely image. Mantids are common in South Africa and I've got a few photographs of them, including one consuming its prey, but they're not up to your standard! I'll have to look and see if I can find them though, taken on film 20 years ago or more.
Thanks Martyn, They are everywhere and some are so much more beautiful than this one but beggars can`t be choosers.
Great find and shot! Talk about beauty & the beast, in insect world that thing is a monster. :oops: :$ I'm glad they aren't human size. :D
Great find and shot! Talk about beauty & the beast, in insect world that thing is a monster. :oops: :$ I'm glad they aren't human size. :D
Thanks Kirk, yes a real Beauty but not yet an adult, not too far off now.