Marble White Butterflies

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This was my last go at these Beauties Before they go Taken with the Canon r5 with the 100f2.8 macro lens I did want some with the morning dew on them but it was not to be this year?
no stacking done with them I was quiet happy with the Quality achieved
IMG_0775 by kevin robinson, on Flickr
IMG_0374d by kevin robinson, on Flickr
IMG_0283d by kevin robinson, on Flickr
IMG_0471d by kevin robinson, on Flickr
IMG_0448d by kevin robinson, on Flickr
IMG_9895d by kevin robinson, on Flickr
Stunning imagery, all I can say.

Really difficult to pick my fave but number 5 is it.
Lovely set Kevin (y)
All wonderful shots but I particularly like #4, especially the way the background lightens in tone from bottom to top.
The only benefit you'd have got from stacking is that the orchid would have been fully sharp.
Lovely set Kevin- the last in the set is stunning mate

Les :)
Very nice as ever Kevin.
Cracking set, nice use of light, particularly like #6 as IMHO the hardest shot to take !