Marsh fritillary, Eurodryas aurinia pair

That's a great shot Mark. Lovely detail and colour and shapes.

Well taken and framed and perfect depth :D
That's a great shot Mark. Lovely detail and colour and shapes.

Well taken and framed and perfect depth :D
Thanks Alan, much appreciated, they were definitely otherwise occupied and ignored me totally so i could get right down at ground level to get the shot :)
Agree with Alan that’s a great shot all in focus too
I haven’t seen Marsh Fritillary for a few years
Agree with Alan that’s a great shot all in focus too
I haven’t seen Marsh Fritillary for a few years
Thanks, appreciated, we have a few places here with resident populations, this particular one is part of a colony we have been promoting locally and registering in the Gov monitoring scheme to put the kybosh on a planning application for a holiday park :)
Lovely Mark, well spotted and photographed - not a Butterfly I've ever seen before (y)
Thanks Si, appreciated, they are scarce and seen as threatened as a specie, over here less so than in the UK, I am lucky that there are a few areas here local to me where there are stable colonies.
Thanks Si, appreciated, they are scarce and seen as threatened as a specie, over here less so than in the UK, I am lucky that there are a few areas here local to me where there are stable colonies.
Good to hear they're doing well somewhere :) I was over in Brittany for half-term and there were noticably more Butterflies (and variety of species) over there than in my area of the UK at least (NW England)
Good to hear they're doing well somewhere :) I was over in Brittany for half-term and there were noticably more Butterflies over there than in my area of the UK at least (NW England)
I am down south of Toulouse - so far in the last couple of years i have photographed / Id'd 70+ specie, the blues do my head in - the frits are a bit better every now and then we get a bit of a suprise - I was out monitoring the Marsh Frit in May when I snapped a Painted lady, nowt special, they turn up every year in May, got home and looked at it on the monitor - hmm, turned out it was an American Painted Lady, only the 3rd sighting in France - it seems they are resident in Portugal so now it seems they are making there way up into France

I am down south of Toulouse - so far in the last couple of years i have photographed / Id'd 70+ specie, the blues do my head in - the frits are a bit better every now and then we get a bit of a suprise - I was out monitoring the Marsh Frit in May when I snapped a Painted lady, nowt special, they turn up every year in May, got home and looked at it on the monitor - hmm, turned out it was an American Painted Lady, only the 3rd sighting in France - it seems they are resident in Portugal so now it seems they are making there way up into France

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Wow, that's a lot of different species- I'm not AT ALL envious!

Blues are easy where we are, they're either Common or Holly so really easy to tell apart, even at a distance..

We do get the odd Painted Lady here (or occasionally a mass of them if it's a bumper year). That one's another beauty - another I've never seen