Marshall amp?

Long shot I know, does anyone on here have a Marshall MG FX series amplifier? I need help with a setting that I can't find the answer to.
I hope some the other TPers can throw some light on it.

Like all such questions it piques my curiosity and as you don't describe what you are trying to achieve, are any of the links of any help?

I hope some the other TPers can throw some light on it.

Like all such questions it piques my curiosity and as you don't describe what you are trying to achieve, are any of the links of any help?

I am trying to store the tempo setting to the channels on the PEDL 90008 foot switch. I can store all the FX settings apart from the delay tempo successfully. When l turn the amp back on the pedal remembers all the settings except the tempo.
I don't know the specific kit, but it's likely that if you're using a tap tempo setting it will need to be set each time of use. The kit should remember a fixed tempo setting.