men of war & sandsfoot castle


On the first one the red thing really draws my attention and I can't see what it is - it seems out of place, I'd get the clone stamp on it! I know you are trying to be more subtle in your pp, but I think this one needs more contrast and that sky is begging to be a deeper blue! The composition is quite nice...

The second one seems to be one of those scenes that you know has potential if you can only find the right angle... Not really sure how to improve the shot as it is other than saying that perhaps a really narrow DOF would have helped make the ruin stand out....?
Thanks GTI for comments, the red thing is a person who was clambering over the rocks right in my view. It was hard to get the tight shot due to crowded beach and several kids swimming in front of me. I was worried about looking dodgy with kids in the frame. Def take on board the cloning but didn't want to spoil the shot as out of camera. Def will increase contrast and make that sky darker but I don't want the pp police after me. Trying hard so will be a little subtle. Thanks again
Remove the person, definitely, don't know why you even left them there.
The first shot is crying out to be taken after sunset, with some colour in the sky.
Thanks for the comments for these shots and the countless others I have posted. People have been a real help in getting better as time has gone by but I'm taking time out from posting for crit until I'm more confident with what I post. I have little confidence and what have I've seen although spurs me on makes me feel I need to improve dramatically with what i shoot. There is no bad reflection on what members have said, in fact the opposite you've helped no end. I'm still proud to be a member when will comment with my limited knowledge and follow discussions. I just need time out to gain confidence on my own steam if that makes sense. So once I thank you all.
Thanks Dave no problem. Out of curiosity what did you do to improve as this is something I need to get better at and will in time.
That edit makes the shot 100% better
The edit shows what can be done but seems to include the application of a grad to the image which has also unfortunately made areas other than the sky ( top of the cliffs ) a bit dark.

Not sure I'd darken the sky to that extent TBH but if you do it might also be worth darkening some of its reflection of blue in the water a bit
It was a very quick edit. Less than 10mins in lightroom 5. I accept the comment about the Grad. I did do quick fix with the adjustment brush some tint and warmth and exposure added.
It was mostly done using the Highlight, Shadow Light and Dark sliders in the develop module.

and the person was removed with photoshops heal brush.

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Hi Dave. Not meaning to critique your edit and I appreciate it was a demo of what sort of edits would improve it :)