Messy bun

Ashish Tamhane
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So on the weekend we had a short trek to the Seven Sisters and came down to Eastbourne. All sweaty and tired we were and the better half's long hair was irritating her. She pulled up the sweaty hair into a ball and was tying them when I took a portrait.

CnC welcome. I probably think this is one of my all time best portraits because of the pose and the background although I think there is potential for process it better. Thanks for looking.

It's a lovely engaging portrait with nice light.

There's a lot of dead space, esp to the right & top. Have you experimented with different crops?
I'm not a fan of the pose of the near arm. It's fine, but slightly curious.
Thanks Simon for the critique.

Well with crops I have this view of not cropping too much. Its just a rule that I have setup for myself so that I don't fall into the 'take a wide shot, crop later crutch'.

Hands are so hard to get right indeed. I do have another shot with a slightly different arm position but I guess thats not too good as this one.