Metering advice please

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I've borrowed a Mamiya C220 from the college where i'm doing an evening class to do a project and to have a play with film. I'm enjoying taking my time with and thinking more about the composition as i don't have an infinite number of frames to shoot.

I'm metering using my trusty Nikon D50 and then transfering these settings on to the Mamiya, I've been using HP5 film at ISO 400 which has been fine for my D50 as it goes to ISO 400, but i've just bought some Ilford Delta 100 and a roll of Fuji Velvia 100F.

My D50 goes to ISO 200 so my question is how do iensure i am metering correctly still using my D50? I think (but I am probably wrong) that i just need to stop the Mamiya down by one stop so for example if i was going to be shooting at f8 500th sec it would need to go to either f5.6 or 250th of a second, am i thinking along the right lines here?

As an aside has anyone ever used bpdphotech for film processing? and what kind of results have you had?


Hi Kev, I have used BPD for cibachrome prints being made from slides and the service is fab, so I can't see why their processing quality should be any different.