MF enlarger lenses

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Is there much difference between 75 and 80mm lenses? Why make two lenses so close to each other in focal length? Is the 75mm optimised for 6x4.5 and 80mm for 6x6?
Not sure. I use an 80mm Schneider Companon (or is it a Companar?) for everything from 35mm to 6x7. I have a 105mm for 6x7 but the 80mm works fine so I don't change it.

I think the 75mm was for 6 x 6, then 6 x7 came along and needed a slightly longer focal length.105mm was for 6 x 9.
i use a 80mm Componon for 35mm to 6 x 7 just to save changing lens all the time. If I have a few 35mm to do I would then change to 50mm Componon.
All depends how I feel really.
i use a 80mm Componon for 35mm to 6 x 7 just to save changing lens all the time.

That's two of us doing the same thing then.

If I have a few 35mm to do I would then change to 50mm Componon.

I have printed 35mm up to 12" x 16" with the 80mm lens. If I had to print any bigger I would use a 50mm but it hasn't happened yet.

Managed to pick up another 80mm Rodenstock for a good price last night, hopefully it'll be better than the one it's replacing.
Must admit, tend to agree with Steve above the 80mm tends to stay on most of the time. Especially now the local camera clubs are starting to restrict prints to 16 x 12. Due no doubt to vast amount of inkjet prints now being done. No more wall space !!!
Managed to pick up another 80mm Rodenstock for a good price last night, hopefully it'll be better than the one it's replacing.
I had a couple of Rodenstock lens. Absolute rubbish. Schneider is the way to go.
Well you could have told me that 24hours ago couldn't you:p Now I'm watching ebay for schnieders.
I had a couple of Rodenstock lens. Absolute rubbish. Schneider is the way to go.

I had a pair of (50 & 80) APO Rodagons when I was printing, they were the best enlarging lenses available, their resolution was amazing. The Componon S were very good though.
Are the componar-c's any good before I go wasting any more money?
Are the componar-c's any good before I go wasting any more money?

I might be wrong but I seem to remember that the componars were the budget end of the range.

The best from memory were the (all 50mm f2.8 and 80mm f4 versions) Apo Rodagons, followed closely by the Componon S and the EL Nikkors.
No doubt I've just bought a budget Rodenstock with elements made of cheese!
Is that the Rodenstock DoubleGloucestergon ?

Its full fat....should polish up nice...:D
No doubt I've just bought a budget Rodenstock with elements made of cheese!

As long as it's that transparent hard cheese with a high silicon content, you should be alright.

I thought Rodenstock lenses were quite good - only one way to find out!

Can't believe it's here already! Rodagon 80mm, F4. Can't wait to spend the evening in the garage trying it out.