MF rangefinders

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i have had enough of 35mm film. I guess i'm a bit spoilt with the resolution from the MF gear. Whatever, I'm just not feeling the 35mm format at the moment.

So, If I wanted to get a decent MF rangefinder, what should I get?

Ideally, i want something that encompasses very wide up to about 35mm equivalent. Any longer than that and I'm not really interested.

Oh, and I must be able to carry it in a very small bag or very big pocket. I dont really want all the hassle of changing or carrying loads of lenses!

I have a feeling you're all going to say mamiya6 or 7!!

Any ideas or guidance much appreciated. (not really bothered by format either, but the bigger the better)
Mamiya 6 :D

they are great, only 3 lenses so no more GAS, great quality optics and most important it's 6x6, the king of MF formats. I've not used mine for a while which is a shame but the LF got in the way.

The downsides are the price, especially for the 50mm, the closest focus won't quite get you full frame head and shoulder portraits but you can use some light cropping with no problems. There's also a supposed issue with the film advance mechanism breaking, but I reckon that's for people who handle them very roughly, my 2 have had no problems.

The other problem with all the MF RFs is no removable backs, but that just means you have to buy 2 :D

I've been considering selling my set up for a while as it isn't getting used but cant bring myself to do it. Once you get to know it iits a very nice camera (y)
Wasn't there a Fuji MF rangefinder in the classifieds not long ago?
The other problem with all the MF RFs is no removable backs, but that just means you have to buy 2 :D

There's the Koni-Omega Rapid M and 200, but they need big (though not deep) pockets.
Mamiya 6 or 7 + 65mm lens would give you what your after but as raathistle says the price on those is high.

However Fuji RF have fixed lens and they come in 670 & 690 (and 645) and I think they also did Wide Angle, GSW, versions as well. However they GSW are not common at all.

The 690 is big ish 6x9 but very light and I believe has a very sharp Fujion lens.

Not sure about what else is MF RF setup :shrug:
In addition to the Mamiya and Fuji offerings, you could look at the Hasselblad XPan.
Fixed or interchangeable lenses ?
Metering ?

I think you're gonna struggle for wides on a fixed, the Fuji's are fixed and I think only the 6x9 is available with a 60, I've only ever seen a 6x7 with a 90 but I've heard they can be retro fitted, I could be wrong though, they don't have metering.
I dunno much about the fuji 645.
I dunno anything about the koni-omega.
The Mam 6 is 6x6 with a 50 wide, the 7 is 6x7 with 43, 50, 65 wides, both meter and are flippin expensive.
I've used a Bronica RF, it was a really really nice camera, I loved it, but I didn't love the portrait orientation or 645, it has a 45mm wide and metering.

There are a few others but they're mostly fixed, like plaubel makina or that new fuji GF670/Voigtlander Bessa, they don't go wide..:shrug:
Fuji GSW690 II (or III). Not small and pocketable by most people's standards though. The back measures 7ins by 4 and half. Front to back it's 5. Maybe a big pocket!

The desert pic with the crop shown here in Karmaan's scanning thread is my (unprocessed) shot taken with this camera

This is the camera that I took once overseas but decided it was too big to hump around the world. It sat unused for a couple of years until I looked at the scans again and decided it was too good to leave behind. So now, in spite of its size, I make the effort and take it on most trips.