Midsummer(ish) perpetual dawn?


Nod (UK)
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Not sure what the "sunrise" on the horizon really is! These were shot at about midnight through a plane window flying at around 15000m, looking pretty much due North.

No need for any crit - I know they're pretty crappy phone shots with horrendous reflections but they're the best I could grab!

If anyone can tell me what the effect really is, I would appreciate it.

Thanks for that, Hadron. A bit of Googling turns up very similar looking horizons. We'll be in the same place at about the same time (delays allowing!) in mid September and next June so I'll try to remember to keep an eye out for the phenomenon and have a better camera to hand just in case!
Noctilucent clouds are that very characteristic 'electric blue'. You don't have to be at cruising altitude to see them - keep a look out from home. They 'peak' at this time of year, but at very antisocial times of the night. I've photographed them once, when I was out pre-dawn for a comet
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It's very rare (these days!) that I'm awake much past 22:00 and the Northern horizon is behind a hill from home but if I get a bad night, I might take a wander. Failing that, next year's flights are booked so we'll be in the same area next year.