Mint Moth


In Memoriam. TPer Emeritus
The real Chris
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I've got about half a dozen of these hanging around the Lavender & strawberry plants.

I've never seen one of those but as we have lavender and strawberries I'll look out for them.

Well taken :D
I've never seen one of those but as we have lavender and strawberries I'll look out for them.

Well taken :D
Cheers Alan, they aren't much bigger than a 1/4in
Never seen one either, we seem to have a lack of any insects round here at the moment
Beautiful moth, nicely done
Never seen one either, we seem to have a lack of any insects round here at the moment
Beautiful moth, nicely done
thanks Ingrid, insects are a bit thin on the ground here too, although the last couple of days I have started to see more bees, mostly bumble.
The mint moths are, have been a regular visitors every year, they tend to go for wild herb type flowers, I have a small patch of sedums, lavender strawberries, etc. Which they seem to like.
What a beautiful creature
Cheers Mike.
Lovely moth, never seen one.
Cheers Dale, as above they are quite small, The second image its sat on a strawberry flower. and they aren't that big. You may have them but missed them.
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That’s wonderful Chris I see these quite often but have never managed a shot of one
That’s wonderful Chris I see these quite often but have never managed a shot of one
Cheers Pete, they can be a bit flighty, can't they?
Yes definitely I always try to get too close I think :rolleyes:
That was taken with a Canon M50 + 100mm L macro lens.
TBH I have a bench very near the lavender and Strawberry plants.
I just sit there sometimes to see what drops by :)
I'd never seen one of these till a few years ago. I increased the planting in my garden (got rid of a lawn) and grow a lot of herbs for the kitchen, among other stuff, mostly fairly close to wild plants. What started off as one or two mint moths is now a flood of them. They're everywhere. Some are deep red and some are browner. They always remind me of pictures of guys in those old ermine robes.