Mirror lenses - any good?

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There are millions of red kites round here (the birds of prey, not actual kites!) and I've set myself a little project of getting a really cracking shot of one. Obviously I need a decent-ish long lens, the most I have at the mo is a 65mm-200mm zoom.
I may have chance to get my hands on a 500mm mirror lens pretty cheapish (I have a 2x converter too) but I seem to remember someone saying to me ages ago that mirror lenses weren't too good, the final image wasn't that sharp due to the physical layout of the mirrors etc bouncing the light about so much or something...:shrug: Do they have a slightly 'soft' area in the middle of the shot?

Over to you lot - advice please...!(y)
I've never seen a really sharp shot taken with one, but I don't have any personal experience of using a mirror lens.
You have bascially a fixed F8 AFAIK unless they've changed the way they are manufactured, so the exposure has to be controlled by Shutter speed only. Many people buy them thinking as it's small they may be able to get away hand holding it but a tripod and cable release is a must to get a good image.
I've got one, Centon, paid £100 yonks ago. it came with 3 density filters for adjusting the exposure because it was a fixed f8.
I've only used it couple of times for still life shots you get a nice doughnut effect in the reflections.
A tripod is a must. don't actually think I got a decent image using it.
You have to be carefull not to bump it too hard or the mirrors will go out of alignment.
I had £80 burning a hole in my pocket ,so picked up a 600 sigma on here,:)

Only tried to handhold while on beanbag and still to much shake :LOL:

But with the crop sensor thats a 900 lens , am going to try some tripod shots of the moon when it's at full and clear night.

The images I took with hand hold not really a test but not bad .

It's a toy really and not for best image quality....;)
I used to have one many years ago, and I don`t think they sharp by todays standards, but you can get some nice OOF effects, especially at night. If you can get one cheap enough, good for a mess about. :)
Well, I got a Centon 500mm for £41, so even if it's not got the sharpest optics in my bag at least I haven't paid through the nose for it...(y)
I'll use it this Summer and if I don't get on with it it can go for sale in the camera shop window.:)

I'll keep you posted on whether I get any decent kite pictures!