Mirror slap

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I started with a D3000 and loved it as an entry level camera. Two years ago I bought the D5200 which never seemed as good somehow. I is now unusable unless I use it in Live View. It has a mirror slap problem which vibrates the sensor. Nikon customer service are not interested and so I will be replacing it. The question is which Nikon camera is reliable? I don’t want mirror slap again but I’m stuck with Nikon as I have many Nikkor lenses. Can’t afford a top end camera. Has anyone any views on the D5500 or D3300?
You can fit your lenses on the Nikon 1 and many other mirrorless cameras. Set yourself free from slappy mirrors.
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Are you sure it's mirror slap? I was sure I had a mirror slap in my first two DSLRs. With a 500mm lens I could see the vertical ghosting and then vertical blurring developing into general softening at shutter speeds of less than around 1/250th sec. I was really annoyed they didn't have mirror lock up, or even a few seconds pause between mirror lift and exposure. The manufacturer (Sony) said it wasn't necessary due to their advanced design of damped mirror movement. Ha!

Then I got an A77, which has no moving mirror, plus both a mechanical and electronic first curtain shutter. To my embarrassed delight I found the mechanical first curtain shutter reproduced exactly the symptoms I'd misdiagnosed as mirror slap. They completely vanished when I switched to electronic first curtain. For the first time I was able to get pin sharp 500mm tripod shots at all shutter speeds right down to seconds! In other words what I'd thought was mirror slap turned out to be shutter slap.