Mixed bag of small things from our half-term break

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Headed over to the Vendee in France for a half-term break. We stayed in a great location for me, straight out into rolling fields with woodland and rivers. Mostly concentrated on small things, here's a few from the trip

Scarce Chaser Dragonfly on a dead branch by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Grasshopper on an Ox-Eye Daisy by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Speckled Wood Butterfly on a leaf by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Female Emerald Damselfly by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Meadow Brown butterfly on Cow Parsley by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Red Admiral Butterfly by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

Male Scarce Chaser on a dead branch by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr

White Admiral on Ox-Eye Daisy by Simon Lundbeck, on Flickr
Very nice set. Well exposed and sharp as a tack.

Les :)
Very nice set. Well exposed and sharp as a tack.

Les :)

Thanks Les

Nice set. I'm particularly attracted to the subjects' clarity and details in #5, #6 and #7, with #5 my overall favourite; I love the way the surroundings work with the subject to make what I see as a very attractive picture.

Thanks, no. 5 seems to have gone down well elsewhere too