More lens testing

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To cold outside, so another session of lens testing, a little bit more balanced this time as I set out to test 4 of my main lens, I used four images for each stack, with a,b,c and d each with the same focus point, namely top of image, two midpoints and bottom of image. I then cropped the shorter focal length images so the subject was roughly the same dimensions.
I have to say I am struggling to pick a best image, over to yourselves.

Fuji 23mm 2020-12-29 21-33-45 (B,Radius8,Smoothing4) by Andrew Wright, on Flickr

fuji 18-55at 23mm2020-12-29 17-12-11 (A,Radius8,Smoothing4) by Andrew Wright, on Flickr

Nik 50mm2020-12-29 17-13-27 (A,Radius8,Smoothing4) by Andrew Wright, on Flickr

fuji18-55at50mm meth b2020-12-29 17-14-59 (B,Radius8,Smoothing4) by Andrew Wright, on Flickr
To cold outside, so another session of lens testing, a little bit more balanced this time as I set out to test 4 of my main lens, I used four images for each stack, with a,b,c and d each with the same focus point, namely top of image, two midpoints and bottom of image. I then cropped the shorter focal length images so the subject was roughly the same dimensions.

That looks like a very well executed experiment to me.

I have to say I am struggling to pick a best image,

Me too.