mountain moonset - images added

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I think these fit the landscape label rather than night and astro. It's becoming a bit of a habit to get out each full moon and do a moonrise / moonset shoot. This is from last week whilst we were up in the mountain resort for a bit of skiing. Sunday morning after Fridays full moon.

The moon setting over Shahdag mountain in Northern Azerbaijan.

Constructive C&C welcome.



Slipping away by Alan, on Flickr

Ethereal by Alan, on Flickr

Caucusus moonset by Alan, on Flickr

The view in the other direction away from the moutnains, down towards the coast, just as the sun was breaking.

Shahdag glow by Alan, on Flickr

Cool alien light in the first three, Alan! (y)

Cool alien light in the first three, Alan! (y)

Thanks Kodiak.

2 would work better without the moon and as letter box crops. Don't know what 1 looks like in colour but if its like 2, I'd keep it in colour

Thanks Steve, I hadn't thought about 2 without the moon but I can see it working.

I was taken much later, there is full daylight, not the same colour, why I chose b&w. I'll put it on flickr and link for comparison.
These are quite unique, I like them, number 3 is mot appealing to me.
really like no1
the moon seem huge for some reason
Thanks, this one was taken at 200mm on a 70D, so you get quite a good size of the moon in the frame, at effectively 320mm. No Photoshop on this I can assure!!! If you look, it's a zoom on the area around the moon in 3, which was a panorama taken landscape at 35mm.
Very nice. I prefer the colour versions too.