mrdaviesuk's 365 - Started on 5th August 2011

Forgot there were a few more ...

Day #84 - Bathed in golden streetlight

Moth to a Flame by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #85 - Gorgeous autumnal colours and a glorious blue sky! Snapped a ton more, but these are my picks:

Autumn Flare by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

and this:

Blue Sky Thinking by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #86 - Cut out the middle man ... ???

Wine Direct by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #87 - Leading lines of a bridge we took a stroll over!

Boomy Bridge by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #88 ... 365 Fail! Somehow I managed to "forget" to take a dedicated shot today - so I've had to try and pick something from the bunch of "snaps" I took. Rather disappointed that this is the first portrait of my daughter to feature, but hey ho.

Doing So Well .... by Mr-Davies, on Flickr
Okay this really is the last bunch now ... promise!

Day #89 - Macro ... Sweeeeeeeet!

Quick! by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #90 ... Crankin up the 1's and 2's! However, i've just noticed the horrible "splodge" where the speed setting indicator light is ... have to correct that and upload a replacement.

Spinnin' by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Day #91 - More creative fun stuff tonight ... an illuminated light bulb, which isn't connected to the power.

Look Mom ... No Power! by Mr-Davies, on Flickr

Still 2 weeks behind on my processing ... but I'm getting closer to catching up!