My camera's broken again

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A while back my 300D stopped working and Canon fixed it under warranty. Now the same problem has happened again.

Last time they (by 'they' I mean some place in Colchester that Canon sent it to) replaced the shutter and rebuilt the shutter assembly, I think. It seemed to sort the problem but now that it's happened again I'm not sure if it's really the cause.

You guys are pretty knowledgeable. Can you look over my description of the problem below and let me know how likely it is that the shutter is causing the problem? Thanks in advance.

Th problem, which is almost exactly the same as last time, is basically that the camera won't turn on. However it's a little more complex than that. I turned it on a couple of days ago and got a flashing "ERR 05" message. So I turned it off and checked everything was ok (lens attached properly, CF in slot, battery ok etc etc). It seemed fine so I turned it back on. It showed "EOS" on the display (like it does when it's starting up) but it stayed like that and never dropped into the proper display.

I turned it off again and back on. This time I didn't even get "EOS". It just didn't come to life at all. I removed and replaced the battery, fiddled with the lens and everything else and tried again. This time it came to life and everything was fine. It carried on being ok for another day or so.

Then yesterday I went to switch it on and has the "EOS" freeze problem. Did another quick fiddle with everything and it was ok.

Today it did the same freeze but this time it wouldn't turn on after. Just stayed blank. And that's the current state of play as I write this.

Even if it was to turn on right now there's clearly something wrong with it. It may well be the shutter but my issue is this:

A) If it is the shutter, then something else must be happening because shutters aren't meant to just work for a few months (since last repair) and then pack up.

B) If it isn't the shutter then... Well... There's no point getting the shutter replaced yet again.
According to my 20D manual, Error 5 is described as..

'Something obstructed the built-in flash's automatic pop-up operation'

The remedy is desribed as

'Turn the power switch to ON'

Dunno of that helps Jamey? Hope you get it sorted mate.
I am no expert here but this sounds more electronic than mechanical to me and why would the shutter cause the issue on start up?

I would suggest a faulty firmware or corrupted firmware from what you are describing, it sounds like the camera is struggling to "load" its operating system???
'Err 05', means something is obstructing the built in flash.

[edit] looks like I was beaten to the reply[/edit]
why not keep trying it till it turns on then reflash the firmware?

may help, but of course if it turns off halfway through you're in trouble :(
It's worth a go I guess. Assmuming I can get it to turn on. Last time it reached a point where it just packed up completely. Couldn't get it to turn on at all. I've got a feeling it might be at that point again.

On the repairs list last time there was no mention of them flashing the firmware. Just a sensor clean and replacement shutter.

Reckon once I get it fixed I might bite the bullet, sell it and upgrade either to a 350D or possibly a 20D. Does the 20D have an onboard flash? I can't afford to be dabbling in flashes just yet.
Hmm... Just been checking the 20D's spec.

The only real differences between the 20D and the 350D seem to be the drive (5fps Vs 3fps) and the fact that the 20D has ISO 3200. For the sake of £350 I think I could live with a few less frames per second.
Try the 350D for size Jamey, it is a lot smaller than most SLRs and can upset some more sensitive people. :)

But I do love it!