My first go on here

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So be gentle :D C&C welcome as long as it's useful. I'll take any criticism - good or bad - as long as it's anything but "lol buy new equipment". I do really like this forum and it seems like people always have good advice to share

Some photos from today. I've been working on composition and trying to balance sky exposures without spoiling the rest of the photos. I'd like to think I've made a big improvement as some of my earlier efforts were terrible in this regard:eek:
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first criticism - these are too large and will have to be changed to links if you don't resize them soon :)

Site limit is 800 pixels on the longest side.

The first one is the best. only thing is that with a reflection shot it is very easy to spot when the shot is not straight - and this one is not straight.

The rule of thirds can be broken but having such a low horizon in #2 doesn't work.

the third one also look wonky (it may not be but it looks it). The leading lines of the road carry your eye into the distance but there is not a lot of interest in the shot. you have controlled the sky exposure but the scene generally looks a bit under exposed.

Last one is not one thing or the other - landscape or bird shot. The birds are all a bit silhouetted and so is the foreground.

They all show some thought has gone into them. Keep working on the compositions as you are getting there :)
Ok, I've changed them to links. I wasn't aware of the size limit but I'll know for next time. I appreciate the comments though. I'm here to get better, so any relevant criticism is welcome :D
Hi, do like the pics, what equipment are you using? you might consider a polarizing filter for landscape work.

Thanks. My camera is a Canon 1000D and I'm using a Tamron 17-50 f2.8. I've also got a cheap Tamron 55-200mm, which isn't the greatest lens in the world but it was incredibly cheap. I know it's not great but I wanted a cheap zoom lens and it has never disappointed me.

I do really want to start using filters but they're such a minefield. So much conflicting advice and, since this is still a new hobby to me, I don't want to waste £50 on something I may not need or even like. I'm fairly certain I've narrowed it down to what I want to buy now though, and that's a Circular Polarizer rather than a Skylight or a UV filter, as it's more useful to me. It's my next purchase :D
I'd say a circular polariser is the main filter to have for landscapes. I have ND grad filters but rarely use them.

You do need to be aware though that a polariser will only work when the light is coming from the left or right of you. ie sun overhead, behind or in front of you and it will do nothing apart from lose you a stop of light and slow your shutter speed a bit.

When you have the right light the effect of a polariser can be special and add drama.