My first medium format shot!

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This is it guys.. my polaroid back arrived today and this is the very first shot I've taken with it! It does feel kind of special, in a weird way. I took a photo of the polaroid with my digi so the colours aren't quite as vivid as the actual picture but here it is for prosperity all the same!


And no, it's not very well focused :)
I think its a really nice shot welly, and one to be proud of :)
Well done mate
Nice shot, lovely colour too. There's definitely something about film which digital isn't matching isn't there? You really should deal with those dust spots though - it's so easy just to touch those out digitally compared to the performance of hand spotting the print in the pre digital days. :puke:
Eight rolls? That's 80 images! He's gone crazy!


I am *attempting* to learn the camera quite quickly I guess :D I have taken on one personal project per day, and shot ten shots more or less. All places I have shot lots digitally. I am having a great time :D

Once I am confident with using the camera, I will slow.

Yesterday, it took me 6 hours to shoot 10 photos - so I swear, it really has stopped me in my tracks. Every shot required more thought, preparation, and a much fussier attitude. On digital, 6 hours = 600 minimum shots :D I bracket like a fool.

I suppose it makes more sense to use colour and get the stuff dev'd by someone else when you are learning, don't want to be making mistakes in camera and in developing and not know which was which

Who are you getting them dev'd by?
I suppose it makes more sense to use colour and get the stuff dev'd by someone else when you are learning, don't want to be making mistakes in camera and in developing and not know which was which

Who are you getting them dev'd by?

Trying half with one lab, and half with another.

TRUMPS - Clerk Street, Edinburgh.
A & M Images, Stewartfield, Edinburgh.

The A & M seems a more pro outfit, is cheaper, and staff are friendlier. They also have I suspect better scanning if I need to use it.

H sold me velvia 50 at £2.50 a pack, and it was still in date :)

I will defo go back there I think more often.

PS - I should add, I am paying approx £4 for a roll dev, and get it back in the hour mostly. Maybe 90 min.
PS - I should add, I am paying approx £4 for a roll dev, and get it back in the hour mostly. Maybe 90 min.

Bah.. my local shop charge 6 quid to develop them and it takes them a week to do so! Mind you, it takes a week for them to do or get ANYTHING.
That's a good price and good service there Gary, you should definiately make friends with them. No sign of a decent lab near me so its all mail order.

BTW, nice shot Welly. If you dont mind me asking, what happened to the top left?
I just found out my local Jessops do C41 and E6 processing - pick up in an hour. 35mm only unfortunately - they send the the MF stuff out, but handy if you want a quick roll done.
That's a good price and good service there Gary, you should definiately make friends with them. No sign of a decent lab near me so its all mail order.

BTW, nice shot Welly. If you dont mind me asking, what happened to the top left?

Not sure! Probably down to me peeling the backing off the polaroid sloppily.
Trying half with one lab, and half with another.

TRUMPS - Clerk Street, Edinburgh.
A & M Images, Stewartfield, Edinburgh.

The A & M seems a more pro outfit, is cheaper, and staff are friendlier. They also have I suspect better scanning if I need to use it.

H sold me velvia 50 at £2.50 a pack, and it was still in date :)

I will defo go back there I think more often.

PS - I should add, I am paying approx £4 for a roll dev, and get it back in the hour mostly. Maybe 90 min.


Just FYI i get mine done by Trumps (5x4 provia and velvia) as recommended by our college lecturers (one of them walks past A&M to get to trumps to get them done).

It's also the place that Stevenson deal with to have stuff done in bluk for their students :)

I pay £2.50 a sheet to get it done (student price) but it is only £2.76 normally for it
I love that its OOF (not even that bad to be fiar).
off topic butIve got two rolls of 120 wanting dev'd but too skint to have em done :/