My new toy, it's a rangefinder :woot:

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I don't know if anyone on here uses/is a fan of RFs but I've had my new toy a week now and I am well chuffed. I got myself a Mamiya 6 MF rangeinder and 75mm lens and its :banana:

It's my second RF (fist was my kiev) and it's what I'm thinking of taking travelling with me :thinking:


Taken in a murky tent, ISO 100 (FP4) at probably 1/30
OOO maa gawd, I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be joined by at this forum with another mam 6 owner.
Guess, I'm jus not speshull anymore...:LOL:
There's a couple of mam 7's kicking about..and two 6's now.

looks like its me'n'thee kidda, a fight to the death for a mam 6 50mm, of which there


you are gonna love that camera:D
I did a review of the Mamiya 6 for a photo magazine that was published from Brighton area - i can't even remember the name of the thing! Long since ceased publication mind.

Anyway - the Mamiya 6 was a fabulous camera. Remember to put the curtain across before swapping lenses though, that is the only thing you can do wrong with it. The lenses are stunning and it is whisper quiet. Because it was so popular with travel and photojournalists they brought out the 7 so as to fit the page size direct without cropping. In my mind the 6 is a better camera to have - you don't have to turn it on its head for portrait - plenty of people made their reputations cropping square formats!

You will be blown away by it once you get used to it. You should be able to find some kit lenses for it - there were 3.
50mm = 4-£500
75mm = 1-£200
150mm = 1-£200

These are fleabay auction prices, expect to pay the top end or more from a shop, if you can find one.
Everyone says don't bother with the 150, it can be a sod to focus but I found it ok, I ended up selling it because I didn't use it much and my mate kept pestering me for it to complete his set.
The 50 is the holy grail, about 3 per month come up on fleabay, they all go for £400+ including the US ones.
The cost reflects the quality and rarity of a fixed length all manual no bells a whistles basic prime.
In my mind the 6 is a better camera to have - you don't have to turn it on its head for portrait - plenty of people made their reputations cropping square formats!

My thoughts exactly, I'm not a great fan of turning a RF to portrait orientation anyway and 6x6 is fine for me.

I'd love to get the set of lenses but will probably stick with the 75 for now, I'm enjoying the single prime, normal field of view atm so figure I'll learn the camera first, then branch out, if I can find the othe lenses :bang:
Rangefinders are the cameras of kings and 6*6 is the format of the gods, so it's hard to see how this little beastie could do any wrong. (y)