My photoblog is now live

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At last... It's finished.

My photoblog is now live and can be seen at:

Or by going to my site and clicking 'Photoblog' on the menu.

When it comes to actually posting a new picture each day I may find I don't have enough stuff but I'm certainly going to try my best and I'd be surprised (and disappointed) if I couldn't at least manage two or three per week.

Please visit by clicking the links from my site as it then shows me as a referrer on their homepage for a short while and will hopefully bring traffic back to my site in return.

That's all there is to say at the moment. Please check the photoblog from time to time. Or every day if you feel like it. Cheers.
Nice blog, good photo of that Skelly Banton, also a blatant promotion for your Canon 20D I think ;)

Good luck with meeting your daily quota:)
Warspite said:
Good luck with meeting your daily quota:)

Cheers. I think (touch wood) that I might be ok. I held back from posting stuff while I was writing the blog so I've got a few in reserve and I got several more decent ones today.

I'm also not going to rule out posting phonecam images on the blog either, much to the dismay of a few of you, I'm sure :)
Looks excellent Jamey :thumb: Is it based on a template or did you create from scratch ? . Also who did the artwork for your logo ....very grafitti'sh . Good luck keeping the daily shots up.
Every last bit of that site is down to me. The logo, the design, the coding. It's all my own work. I didn't use any scripts at all. I wrote all the PHP code by hand.

Got a few possibilities for today's shot. Just leaving work now. Will get on the case when I get home. Be a couple of hours at least though.
Top work there then fellow!

I'd be well chuffed if I could do something half as good as that!

Wish you all the luck with it, and hopefully it'll become as popular as chromasia!

I may have to commision you at some point in the future to do one for me!
I have just had a look around Jamey and must say that you have done a great job. Like the others the latest picture is also one to be very proud of. :)
Nice blog Jamey, To say you did it from scratch I take my hat of to you.. :first:
Thanks guys. It's really appreciated. Feels great when hard work pays off.

I've just posted today's image. Click this thumb to see the full-size one on the blog. Read the story too because it explains why I posted it, kinda.

It's probably not as good as yesterday's but unlike all the other photos I took today, this one wouldn't work if I kept it in reserve and used it another time. It's about stuff that happened today so that's why I've gone with it. The other pics can be used tomorrow or whenever I have an off-day.

BTW I'm not going to plug the blog this blatantly every day, don't worry. Just felt like day two was still new enough to warrant a quick post. Cheers. :)
Would be interested to get some opinions on something.

Let's say I'm deciding which image to post for today's blog entry... Does a mediocre image that was shot today take precedence over a good image that was shot on a previous day?

So far on the photoblog I've put up photos that were taken the same day but I have shots from Monday that are better than yesterdays and Tuesday's posts. Should I be posting these instead?

What do you reckon?
Well I would say it's up to you and your integrity.

Good images deserve to be seen but it all depends on your current and expected output. If it’s going to exceed 365 pictures a year (which I would say mine does with ease) then I would definitely pick the best work and then revisit the older stuff in the quiet periods.

Just my 2p worth ;)
Thanks Steve. I'm not really that happy with yesterday's shot and (to a lesser extent) the day before too. If I find myself in the same position tonight I think I'll dig a shot out of Monday's selection. Cheers.
I would always go for better shot.....does it really matter what day it was shot, unless specific to that date ?
Aye that'll be good. It's only been two days and already I feel the pressure for a snap a day :eek:|
I was really lucky on Monday and got three or four really nice ones. That's why I want to feel free to use stuff from previous days. Although so far I have actually suck to shots from that day and today looks like it might go the same way (big puddle this morning, cars going through, splashes, think I got a couple of nice ones).
Have to agree with the rest - great stuff fingerz. Envy you having the time to devote and to get it looking good too. Left a short note about your world of orange - hope it helps ?