My Site outage


TPer Emeritus
Matthew Egan
Edit My Images
My host has had a HDD faiure on the server my site is hosted.
As a result of this, my site has been corrupted.
I do have a backup of my files, but some of the newer images may not be in there.

If you notice any threads were pictures I've posted are missing, please PM me and I'll upload the image again.

I think a decent hosting deal should include scripts to do your own daily backups.
Well this is the last straw with this company.
Everything seems to affect me when things go wrong.
My dad shares the same server and his site seems to be okay.
Mine won't let me upload my backup.

They do backup their new servers, unfortunately my site was on an older server that didn't have a backup drive installed.
90% of the files were recovered from the corrupt drive, my stuff must be in the 10% that is corrupt.

I'll have to a bit of hosting shopping.
Badluck - you would expect them to be RAIDing their drives though and using a safe backup strategy, regardless of how old the servers are. After all thats supposed to be the service they provide. :(
I would've assumed that was basic practise. I've only just started a course on networking and it's one of the first things I was taught, besides which, having had an HD fail on me, I know the importance of backing up my photo's and 5 years worth of MP3 collecting (48Gb and counting)
Even I know that the HD is the most intricate and delicate part of a system. Just think about how small it is, and how much physical work it does, spinning discs, moving heads etc etc. Stands to reason it's the one most likely to fail.
gandhi said:
I would've assumed that was basic practise. I've only just started a course on networking and it's one of the first things I was taught, besides which, having had an HD fail on me, I know the importance of backing up my photo's and 5 years worth of MP3 collecting (48Gb and counting)

Yes very much so, my current job title, Senior Systems engineer, if they worked at our place they would have been hung drawn and quartered for not backing a server up !! ;)
i feel for you Matt, its very annoying when lots of hard work gets wiped out like that, especially when its avoidable.

Many good hosts around, our own providers Catalyst2, or my good friend Nick, (though he is a bit more business orientated)