Need pics of you lot!


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As you may or may not be aware I'm working on making a little darts game for PCs. I just finished writing the artificial intelligence code so you can play against the computer and its all working very well.

Thing is, I want the computer players to have an identity, and I got to thinking... where might I get some pictures of people who are marginally overweight, slightly balding possibly.... generally people who have obviously seen better days. :ponders:

Anyway I couldn't think of anywhere, so I thought I'd come here and ask for pics of you lovely lot! :naughty: :thumb:

I'm after pics of head/shoulders, minimum 256x256 in size and preferably taken in fairly neutral lighting. If you've got a pic that can be cropped to those requirements thats fine.

I'm looking for about 50-60 pics. :shock: So if family/friends want to get involved then by all means...
I'm actually going to have a game mode where you can put a photo of your ex, or your neighbour or whoever on the board and throw stuff at it.
"pictures of people who are marginally overweight, slightly balding possibly.... generally people who have obviously seen better days."

I would love to help you out, but unfortunately I don't fit the profile. LOL :D

Neither do I.
As you can see from my Avatar, I'm a fine handsome hunk of a man with all my own teeth and a full head of hair and I have to run round in the shower to get wet.
wez130 said:
off topic - can we beta test the game ?
Yeah can probably arrange that although it hasn't been benchmarked yet so I don't know how well it runs on slower systems and may need some optimising. You'll need at least 32mb of graphics memory on your graphics card tho (it actually uses about 22mb at the moment cos all the graphics are high resolution for now), and it will need to be Direct3d/DirectX7+ compliant.
Radeon 9800 Pro :) XP, 3 gig, 1.5 gig ram etc etc, so I'd like to test if you like sometime :)

I'll throw a mugshot of me your way this evening. Feel free to use...I'm not proud :D


Cursor keys + SPACE
Any connected analog or digital controller

It runs in an 800x600 window. Set your desktop to 32-bit colour if it isn't already. Should be OK in 16-bit, but 32 will look better. :thumb:

The program dynamically scans and adjusts to detect which control you're using. When it detects one being used, it locks out any others until it has not detected a response from any controller for 3 seconds, at which point it begins to scan up to 16 connected controllers. This will basically allow each player to use a separate controller, without having to set up which one they're going to use from the options screen, and will stop their controllers 'interfering' with each other during a game. Clever stuff but still a bit experimental. Let me know if you find any problems in this area.
I won my first game :)

The hand for me to play has motion like a bouncy ball - I curser up and it heads up the screen... let go and it falls back down and eventually bounces to a stop.

The lack of a steady hand such as the computer player uses is frustrating and means you try to make the hand bounce over where you want to aim and just hit the space bar as it passes the target. Is that the intention or just the way it behaves here?

P4 3k 1G 9800 (not pro) radeon AIW. no games controllers.
RobertP said:
I won my first game :)

The hand for me to play has motion like a bouncy ball - I curser up and it heads up the screen... let go and it falls back down and eventually bounces to a stop.

The lack of a steady hand such as the computer player uses is frustrating and means you try to make the hand bounce over where you want to aim and just hit the space bar as it passes the target. Is that the intention or just the way it behaves here?

P4 3k 1G 9800 (not pro) radeon AIW. no games controllers.

Nope thats pretty much correct.

If you could make the hand stay still then i't be far too easy. However, you can *almost* get the hand to stay still if you use an analog controller rather than a digital one or keyboard. ;)