Neewer filter quality

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That is not a make that comes too mind. Newer is essentially a marketing company so who knows who actually makes this filter.
In recent years I have only bought Hoya or kenko filters. They are two brands of the same products coming out of the same factory. They are branded as kenko in Japan and the east, and Hoya. In the west.
However there are a number of other high quality brands to choose from, and I am sure that you will get other suggestions.
Good filters are expensive, and at £29 that Newer one is on the inexpensive side for a 77mm filter, so I would not expect too much from it,, though the specification they give sounds ok..
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That is not a make that comes too mind. Newer is essentially a marketing company so who knows who actually makes this filter.
In recent years I have only bought Hoya or kenko filters. They are two brands of the same products coming out of the same factory. They are branded as kenko in Japan and the east, and Hoya. In the west.
However there are a number of other high quality brands to choose from, and I am sure that you will get other suggestions.
Good filters are expensive, and at £29 that Newer one is on the inexpensive side for a 77mm filter, so I would not expect too much from it,, though the specification they give sounds ok..
Seems to have good reviews though, usually the compromise with these cheaper filters is a colour cast, which can be corrected in processing, I'm only looking for alternatives because the Kase 10 stop is out of stock at the moment and I need one for a trip to Scotland at the end of this month
Neewer and quality don't belong in the same sentence. They've improved in the last few years, but most of the stuff they sell has been made to a very low budget and quality IME.

They sell other manufacturer's stuff as well and just re-brand it to their own. In these cases, it can be a little better.

As for cheap filters - read this short thread:
Neewer and quality don't belong in the same sentence. They've improved in the last few years, but most of the stuff they sell has been made to a very low budget and quality IME.

They sell other manufacturer's stuff as well and just re-brand it to their own. In these cases, it can be a little better.

As for cheap filters - read this short thread:
I thought Neewer was solely a branding exercise, not actually manufacturing anything at all.
I thought Neewer was solely a branding exercise, not actually manufacturing anything at all.
It was, but that has now changed and they now have a fairly large factory, which basically makes pretty specialised stuff. I can't comment on it because I don't have any actual experience of using their more specialised stuff.

At first, they basically sold only re-branded junk, but they now sell re-branded top-end stuff too and they sell it at very competitive prices too. For example this round-head flash, which is identical to a differently-branded item and immediately recognisable, is priced at £139, about half the price of the Godox item.

I can't help with this thread, I'm very much NOT a filter person, see but when I have time I'll test these Neewer filters
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Ah! That's interesting Garry - I didn't know they'd gone into manufacturing now. Even more interesting that they're still re-branding Godox stuff - especially the better stuff and not the old junk they were selling three years ago. :cool: