Neg or Slide.?

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Which would you say best for MF Negitive or Slide film and why?
Do you use 7Day shop to buy film?
I love slide and totally agree with Joxby, they are beautiful in their own right - I've used 7day shop who I found good until they sent an sfx filter kit which had obviously been opened(messily) incl the film so not too sure about them atm...Black and white is also brilliant on MF and I've printed up some great images from colour +ve - have a play, it's great!
Thanks joxby and joodles for reply could I ask do you print straight from slide or scan.
for quality it has to be slide, there's simply nothing else like it.

as to print or scan it depends on the eventual useage although it can sometimes be cheaper to scan and do digital prints from the file than get a colour print from the slide.

also rmember a lot of places nowadays wehn you give them the slide they will simply scan and print anyway.
Ive only been using slide since the turn of the year, but it has such a different quality to can only be described as the others have said, beautiful.
Thanks joxby and joodles for reply could I ask do you print straight from slide or scan.

Print from scan, its crap of course but colour printing is second on my list of things to do after wet printing b/w.
I do both, depending upon what I want to use the images for as ifotou says, but if you ever get the opportunity to get into a colour darkroom then it's so great to print it yourself!
Print film when you really want prints as an end product - such as wedding photography and portraits.

Slides for almost everything else
I tried out Slide film a little while ago and was just soo pleased with the colour you get.

Both shots below are same day, same lighting. One is neg one is slide. I know one was shot at 100 (slide) and one at 200ISO (neg) but still the slide just has soo much more colour to it!!


Question if I may, I shoot 35mm film and if I was to go back to slide would the IQ be good if copied to film with a Ohnar slide copier.

I have one with the OM mount but could get a Nikon mount for it.

I haven't got a scanner and cannot aford £300 or £400 for a good one.:shrug:

Sorry for bugging into you're post Albi